Results Viewers


The Results Viewer feature is available on the Absolute Dashboard as a tool to assist in reviewing each completed section in Absolute. Within the Results tab, there are different viewers corresponding to each section in Absolute. Each viewer can be utilized as a tool to review, analyze, and compare the current year Absolute cost report results for a report to the prior year Absolute cost report data to ensure accuracy and identify variances. The Results Viewer feature is also a useful tool for Reviewers of a report to review the Absolute cost report data without having the risk of changing any of the prepared data. 

Results Tab

To access the Results Viewers, click on the Results tab at the top of the Absolute Dashboard. Results_1.JPG

This tab will present a list of available Results Viewers users can utilize to analyze the current year cost report data. Once a section in Absolute has been marked as complete, it will be available on the Results tab as a viewer. To view available worksheet results it must be highlighted blue; a viewer that is grey means that the section in Absolute has not yet been marked completed on the Preparation tab.


External Values Viewers

The following Results viewers show the data entered into the External Values Worksheets from the Preparation tab in Absolute: 

  • Worksheet S-3, Part I
  • Worksheet S-3, Part II-Part V
  • Worksheet S-10
  • Worksheet A-7
  • Worksheet B-2
  • D & E Series Title V Settlement (All viewers)
  • D & E Series Title XVIII Settlement (All viewers, with the exception of Assigned PS&R Values)
  • D & E Series Title XIX Settlement (All viewers)
  • Worksheet D-4
  • Worksheet G-1
  • Worksheet G-2, Part II
  • H Series Home Health Agency (All viewers, with the exception of Worksheet H)
  • I Series Renal Dialysis (All viewers, with the exception of Worksheet I-1)
  • M Series RHC/FQHC (All viewers, with the exception of Worksheet M-1)
  • O Series Hospice (Worksheet S-9, Part III-Part IV, Worksheet O-6, Part II, Worksheet O-7)

Data Analysis Viewers

The Data Analysis Viewers allow the user to review how the data is mapped in Absolute, do a comparison to the prior year data, and analyze the data pre and post reclassifications and adjustments completed. 

The Mapped GL Operating Expenses, Worksheet G, Worksheet G-3, and Mapped GL Patient Revenues results viewers provide a current year and prior year comparison between reports. Results_4.JPG

CY Summary Tab: Displays all current year amounts by worksheet line and column with the selected level of GL account detail.
PY Comparison Tabs: Displays the current year amounts against the prior year amounts by worksheet line for an individual worksheet column (or total) to the selected level of GL account detail.
To change the account roll up:

Worksheets load with full detail (all account pieces selected) by default.

The level of detail can be altered via the "Select account roll up" checkboxes. Check/uncheck desired/undesired accounts and click the Apply button.


Example: To view rolled up by department, leave only the department box checked and click Apply.

To collapse/expand lines:

Lines may be collapsed by clicking the line number or description. To expand a line, click the line number or description of the collapsed line.

All lines may be expanded or collapsed via the Expand All Lines and Collapse All Lines link buttons.

Tip: To view rolled up by line, click Collapse All Lines.


The Mapped Payroll Accounts and Mapped R&U Accounts viewers present a side by side comparison of the variances between the GL and the other data source by cost report line for the user to review for accuracy in the payroll or revenue and usage reports. 



The Worksheet A results viewer provides an overview of the final Worksheet A results pre and post Worksheet A-6 reclassifications Worksheet A-8 adjustments. The user can review Worksheet A by line to ensure accuracy prior to entering the data into HFS, including reviewing for negative amounts on Worksheet A, Column 7.Results_3.JPG


The Worksheet B-1 results viewer provides the results from the Worksheet B-1 assigned statistics workpaper in Absolute on the preparation tab. The results viewer allows the user to view each columns statistical data by line, this will show the data from External, Preset, and Filtered statistics.Results_7.JPG


The Mapped R&U-Pre-Reclass and Mapped R&U-Post-Reclass results viewers allow the user to review the Revenue and Usage report uploaded into Absolute prior to and post Worksheet C reclassifications. 


By Line Tab: Displays all current year amounts by worksheet line and all revenue code level detail in the R&U. The pre-reclass viewer displays the data from the uploaded R&U in Absolute prior to Worksheet C reclassifications. The post-reclass viewer displays the data from the R&U post Worksheet C reclassifications. 
By Revenue Code Tab: Displays the current year amounts by revenue code, showing which cost report lines each revenue code is assigned to. The pre-reclass viewer displays the uploaded R&U report, and the post-reclass viewer displays the data post Worksheet C reclassifications.
To collapse/expand lines:

Lines may be collapsed by clicking the line number or description. To expand a line, click the line number or description of the collapsed line.

All lines may be expanded or collapsed via the Expand All Lines and Collapse All Lines link buttons.

Tip: To view rolled up by line, click Collapse All Lines.


The Worksheet C results viewer displays the final Worksheet C results after the section has been marked complete in Absolute on the preparation tab. 


C, Part I Tab: Displays all current year amounts by worksheet line and column from the completed Worksheet C workpaper.
IP Reclass/Adj Tab: Displays the current year Inpatient GL revenue detail by line in the initial column. The second column displays the total reclassifications and adjustments by line. The final column is the sum of the Inpatient GL revenue and the reclass/adjustment column for the final Worksheet C, Column 6 level detail. 
OP Reclass/Adj Tab:

Displays the current year Outpatient GL revenue detail by line in the initial column. The second column displays the total reclassifications and adjustments by line. The final column is the sum of the Outpatient GL revenue and the reclass/adjustment column for the final Worksheet C, Column 7 level detail.

Total Reclass/Adj Tab:

Displays the current year Total GL revenue detail by line in the initial column. The second column displays the total reclassifications and adjustments by line. The final column is the sum of the Total GL revenue and the reclass/adjustment column for the final Worksheet C, Column 8 level detail.


The Assigned PS&R Results viewer displays all of the uploaded PS&R data from the completed Import PS&R Summaries and PS&R Revenue Code Assignments from the Absolute preparation tab. The viewer allows users to navigate between each workpaper impacted by the PS&R, and the Hospital and all sub-units for the provider. The worksheets that are impacted by the revenue code assignments from Worksheet C post-reclassifications include Worksheet S-3, Part I, Worksheet D, Part V, and Worksheet D-3. The other worksheets, including Worksheet E Part A and Worksheet E, Part 1, pull the data from the split PS&R and assigns it to the appropriate Worksheet and line. This viewer is a useful tool in identifying and validating the accuracy of the PS&R data.  Results_8.JPG 


The Worksheet H, Worksheet I-1, Worksheet M-1, and Worksheet O through O-5 results viewers display the Home Health, Renal Dialysis, RHC, and Hospice assigned expenses from the completed preparation tabs in Absolute. Results_10.JPG

Reclasses, Adj & Net Tabs: Displays the current year reclassifications, adjustments, and net cost for the designated sub-component line. The reclassification column follows Worksheet A-6, the adjustment column follows Worksheet A-8, and the net column is the sum of the total expense, less the reclassifications and adjustments column for the final expense for the reported workpaper.
To change the account roll up:

Worksheets load with full detail (all account pieces selected) by default.

The level of detail can be altered via the "Select account roll up" checkboxes. Check/uncheck desired/undesired accounts and click the Apply button.


Example: To view rolled up by department, leave only the department box checked and click Apply.

To collapse/expand lines:

Lines may be collapsed by clicking the line number or description. To expand a line, click the line number or description of the collapsed line.

All lines may be expanded or collapsed via the Expand All Lines and Collapse All Lines link buttons.

Tip: To view rolled up by line, click Collapse All Lines.




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