Does Absolute generate an .mcp file for Medicare Auditors as a PS&R Crosswalk?

Absolute does not generate an .mcp file, however, there are a few options available for submitting documentation to the Medicare Auditors to support a PS&R crosswalk. Note that the .mcp file is not required for audit documentation.

The first option is to generate the PS&R Crosswalk.csv file out of Absolute. This can be exported from the Dashboard -> Results tab -> D & E Series Title XVIII Settlement -> PS&R Revenue Code Assignments.csv. See also step #8 below. 

The other option (Toyon utilizes this method for those cost reports we prepare), is to request the audit PS&R from the Medicare Auditor, and refresh Absolute with this updated data. This will allow you to generate an updated Medicare Settlement workpaper, with the Inpatient and Outpatient PS&R totals summarized. This can be sent to the Medicare auditor to assist them with inputting their audit adjustments. To use this option, follow the steps below.  

  1. In Absolute, load the most current provider report relating to the audit Fiscal Year End. 

    Note: If this report has been locked from editing, a super user will need to unlock the file.

  2. Under the D&E Series Title XVIII Settlement section on the Dashboard, click on the Import PS&R Summaries Button.Audit_1.JPG
  3. In this section you will see the uploaded PS&R used for the As Filed Cost Report. This section in Absolute allows for multiple PS&Rs to be uploaded. Click on the Import PS&R button and upload the PS&R received from the auditor.


  4. Next, under the Active column, uncheck the box that is currently checked for the As Filed PS&R. Then check the Active box next to the PS&R that was most recently uploaded into Absolute. Audit_3.JPG
  5. Click on Audit_4.JPG
  6. This has completed the upload of the PS&R. Next click on the Audit_5.JPGbutton on the dashboard. 
  7. Do not make any changes to the Revenue Code Assignments unless necessary as these will remain consistent with the most recently filed version of the cost report being audited. Click on Audit_6.JPG to finish processing the PS&R in Absolute. 
  8. After this has been completed, go to the Exports tab on the Absolute Dashboard. Under the D & E Series Title XVIII Settlement section, you will see two export options.  Audit_7.JPG

The Medicare Settlement Workpaper export will summarize the updated Medicare PS&R revenue totals for D-3 and D, Part V. These updated totals can be sent to the Medicare Auditors. The PS&R Revenue Code Assignments .csv file will also suffice as a PS&R Crosswalk, if the preparer chooses not to make the updates in Absolute for the auditor. 

If there are additional questions on this process, please contact our Absolute Support Team

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