Overview of Filters


An account filter is used to select which departments, accounts, lines, revenue codes, columns, etc. that a reclass or adjustment is going to be applied to. An account filter should be limited to the smallest pool possible to reflect the most accurate reclass/adjustment.

Account Filters

To add a New Filter:

Click the Filters_1.JPG link or button. This will open up the Account Selector view. To select the criteria for a filter click the Select a Field dropdown Filters_3.JPG which will present all of the available fields from the uploaded data source in Absolute. 

For example, for a reclass using Account level detail from the GL, the user would select Account from the field dropdown. To select an account, click the box to the left of the account field, which will present a blue check mark meaning the account has been selected. 


To add the account to the filter select the Filters_5.JPG button. This will populate the selected accounts into the Filter Rules field. 

There is also the option to Filters_6.JPG of the data listed in the selected field. 

To Review Filtered Accounts:

To review the accounts that have been added to the Filter Rules, click on the Filters_7.JPG button. This will give the user a preview of the filtered accounts prior to finalizing the filter. Filters_8.JPG

The user can also click Turn Autoloading Off to hide the summary of filtered accounts. 

To Finalize a Filter:

After the filter has been reviewed for accuracy, click the Finalize button on the bottom right corner of the Account Selector screen.  Filters_9.JPG

To View Accounts:

Click the View Accounts Filters_11.JPG button for a filter to view all the accounts selected by that filter.

To View/Edit a filter:

Click the View/Edit Filter Filters_12.JPG button for a filter to view or to make changes to that filter.

To Delete a Filter:

Click the "X" button on the righthand side of the filter to delete a filter that has already been created.


To reapply all filters for the reclass:

Click the Filters_2.JPG button to reapply all filters and refresh the selected account pool. You may need to do this, for example, when copying from a previous report, or if you have changed a mapping after having already created a reclass.

It may be inconvenient to reload the selected accounts automatically depending on the size of the dataset and browser being used. 

Additional Filter Notes

It is very important to limit the filter to specific data level detail that relates to each workpaper. This will ensure accuracy for each workpaper, and will minimize the amount of processing within Absolute that large filters can create. 

The filters for Worksheet C allow the user to choose between the uploaded Revenue and Usage and the General Ledger files. Select the Add Filter button, and at the top of the Account Selector viewer, the option is given to select the data source for the revenue reclass.





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