How do I remove revenue from Worksheet C reporting in Absolute?

Removing revenue from Worksheet C reporting can be done by completing the following steps: 

  1. Insert a new 19x.xx subscripted line from the Patient Revenue - Assign C Part I Lines module within the GL Mappings section. For more information on inserting a new line, please refer to the Assign Lines article which includes a section on adding new lines. 
    1. It is recommended to create this specific line on 194.99, to ensure the exclusion from Worksheet C. excluded_rev_line.png
  2. To remove the desired revenue from Worksheet C reporting, a new revenue reclass will need to be set up, to reclass the excluded revenue to an excluded line, essentially removing this revenue from Worksheet C reporting. This can be done by clicking +Add Reclass from the Preparation Dashboard in Absolute under the Reclass/Adjustment Summary within the C, Part I Patient Revenues module. The source of revenue being removed can be designated as either the R&U (i.e. certain revenue codes) or the GL (i.e. certain accounts are being removed). 
  3. Setup reclass to move desired revenue to the newly created Excluded Revenue Line. If 100% of this revenue is being excluded, it is recommended to use a percentage operation to execute this, as this will then be automated going forward. excl_rev_operation.JPG

To review the now excluded revenue, please refer to Worksheet C Part I Results in Absolute, under the Results tab. 





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