Title XVIII External Values
There are various Title XVIII settlement items that are calculated using sources outside of Absolute, such as Disproportionate Share data, Medicare Bad Debts, Protested Items, and Lump Sum payments, to name a few. These values are input into the D & E Series Title XVIII Settlement External Values section of Absolute, which allows for a complete electronic workpaper set. This also allows a full set of cost report data to be exported to the HFS software.
Select a component from the drop-down menu to switch between hospital components, if applicable. Once a component is chosen, select a tab to toggle between the various Settlement worksheets. Once external values are entered in the appropriate fields, external values must be saved by clicking Save External Values at the bottom of the interface before clicking Mark External Values Complete to complete this stage.
Pre-Populated Values
Absolute has been designed to pull and populate necessary data from other data sources uploaded into Absolute to ensure accuracy and achieve automation. In the case of Title XVIII Settlement Worksheets, Absolute will populate the appropriate data from the Imported PS&R in the Acute/IPF/IRF/SNF Medicare Settlement Workpaper Excel export, reducing the need for manual input.
Interim Payments
Interim payments will be automatically pulled from the PS&R, but bi-weekly payments will still need to be entered manually in Absolute on the E-1 Part I tab for the Hospital and any applicable subcomponents. Once the bi-weekly payments are entered on E-1 Part I Line 1 in Absolute, these will populate in the Acute/IPF/IRF/SNF Medicare Settlement Workpaper Excel export (see above screenshot), in addition to the PS&R values. Further, these two values will be summed in the AAI Export, and will be reported correctly on E-1 Part I Line 1 for the hospital and all applicable subcomponents.
More Resources
For more information on the mechanics of external values, please see the following article: External Values
Please click here to view an overview of the Title XVIII Settlement module.