Payroll Data Overview
In Absolute, users can upload payroll detail into the Wage Index section on the Dashboard. Using this detail, the calculation of hours for wage index reporting is automated, as well as the calculation of any Worksheet B-1 Statistics that utilize Productive Hours or Productive FTEs. Also, the FTEs reported on Worksheet S-3, Part I Column 10 Line 14 are auto-populated using payroll detail.
Note that Absolute will automatically reclass hours for any associated salary reclasses. For more detail, see related article How does Absolute calculate the hours reclassed for wage index?
Import Files
Payroll files are required to be in csv format for upload into Absolute. Tip: If payroll detail is in a consistent format as the prior year payroll report (i.e. headers named consistently), payroll header mapping will auto-populate from prior year report in Absolute, however, consistent header mapping is not required.
To import the payroll detail: From the Dashboard, S-3 Part II-V Wage Index Section, select Import Payroll, browse to the file location where the payroll.csv file is saved, and click upload.
Note: Sometimes the Payroll will take time to load due to its size. Please do not hit the back or refresh button while the Payroll is uploading.
For more detail, see related article Payroll Report Upload.
For help troubleshooting Payroll Report upload errors, see related article Troubleshooting Report Upload Errors.
Define Payroll Headers
The Define Payroll Headers interface allows the defining of the imported payroll headers, specifying which columns will be used and what type of data the column contains.
Each imported header is displayed with a Lookup button which when clicked displays sample data from that column to aid in determining header definitions.
To define a header: |
Select a header type via the Definition select list for the desired header. The available types are: Account, Balance, Description, Units, Job Code, and Pay Type. Note: Total dollars is a Balance and total hours is Units. In order to proceed at least one Account, Balance, Units, Job Code, and Pay Type must be defined. Upon defining the header, the current Header Name is displayed in the Header Name field. The Header Name defaults to the imported header, but may be edited via the input box. To remove a header definition, click the adjacent to that mapped header. |
To save header definitions: |
Click the Save and Proceed to Map Headers button. Note: The save button is only active when at least one Account, Balance, Units, Job Code, and Pay Type are defined. |
Extinct headers: | If this report has mappings copied from a prior report, or the payroll data has been imported more than once, it is possible to have extinct headers. Extinct headers are headers which were previously defined, but are not present in the currently imported payroll data. In this case, a box will appear listing the extinct headers. No action is required. |
Map Payroll Headers
The Map Payroll Headers interface allows the mapping of the defined payroll headers, allowing the associating of payroll accounts with GL accounts as well as linking descriptions with the headers they are associated with.
Unmapped Header Pool: | The defined header pool contains all unmapped headers which have been defined, organized according to type |
Mapped Headers: | The Mapped Headers section contains map destinations for all defined headers, organized by header type (Accounts, Description, etc.). |
To map a header: |
Click a header in the Unmapped Header Pool. All possible map targets highlight blue in the Mapped Headers section. Click a blue highlighted destination to map the currently selected header to that location. Unmapped headers with only one valid map target will automap. You may view sample data for each unmapped header by clicking the button. |
To unmap a header: | Click the Unmap button adjacent to the mapped header. |
Mapping accounts to a GL account: | All mapped payroll accounts are required to be associated with a GL account. Select the GL account to map to the payroll account via the select list. Each payroll account must be mapped to a unique GL account. |
To save mappings: |
Click the Save Mappings button. Note: The save button is only active when at least one account is mapped as well as one pay type, job code, total dollars and total units. After the header mappings have been saved, the data from the uploaded payroll file is validated. If there are validation errors a notification will be displayed indicating which columns contain bad data. Poorly formatted data will trigger errors that will halt the mapping process. These errors will require the external payroll data to be fixed and re-uploaded. A row which contains missing data for a required header type, will be omitted, but not necessarily halt the mapping process. If more than 10% of a required column's data is missing, the mapping process will halt requiring the external payroll data to be fixed and re-uploaded. |
Classify Job Codes
The Classify Job Code interface allows the defining of the imported job codes, specifying what classification the imported data falls under. Note that Job Code is synonymous with Job Type.
To classify a job code:
Select a classification via the Classification select list for the desired job code. Available classifications are:
- Management
- Technician
- Registered Nurses
- Licensed Vocational Nurse
- Aides & Orderlies
- Clerical
- Environmental Services
- Physicians
- Non-Physician Practitioners
- Other
- Undefined
- Ignore
Use the Ignore classification for a job code that should not be included resulting from a non-applicable row in the data. These classifications will not be included in tabulation of hours or FTEs.
Upon defining the job code, the current classification is displayed in the Classification field.
Note that any Job Codes assigned as Registered Nurses, Aides and Orderlies and Licensed Vocational Nurse will be included in the calculation of the B-1 Preset Statistic for Productive Nursing Hours or Productive Nursing FTEs.
To save classifications:
Click the Save and Proceed button.
Note: The save button is only active when all job codes have been classified.
Classify Pay Types
The Classify Pay Types interface provides the ability to classify whether the imported pay types are productive, and whether to use the salaries and/or hours in the calculation of the wage index.
Each imported pay type is displayed in a row with the Total Salaries, Total Hours, and calculated Hourly Rate associated with the pay type.
Pay types with no classifications are displayed in red text, indicating action is required. The stage may only be saved and completed when all pay types have been either given some kind of classification or marked as N/A. These typically indicate new pay types from the prior year.
Classifying pay types:
Each pay type has check boxes to indicate whether the pay type is Productive, as well as whether to use total Salaries and total Hours.
Check Productive if the pay type is productive.
Check Salaries if the total salaries for the pay type represent allowable wages for wage index purposes.
Check Hours if the total hours for the pay type represent allowable hours for wage index purposes.
Checking or unchecking a box will highlight the row indicating there are unsaved changes.
Marking as N/A:
If a pay type has no classifications, check the N/A box. The N/A box may not be unchecked manually. It becomes unchecked when a classification box is checked. Marking a pay type as N/A will exclude this data from any hours or FTE calculations.
To save classifications:
Click the Save and Proceed button.
Check all/none:
You may check all the boxes for a classification by clicking All for that column. Likewise, clicking None will uncheck all boxes for that column.
Map Payroll Accounts
The Map Payroll Accounts page allows you to make sure every payroll account is mapped to a Worksheet A line. You are also able to unmap and remap incorrectly mapped payroll accounts. This page displays GL and payroll dollars and the variance between the two by Worksheet A line. Absolute will automatically map payroll departments to the proper Worksheet A Line, according to the Assign Lines Worksheet A account mapping.
Note: You must click the Mark Complete button at the bottom of the page to compute the payroll and complete the stage.
Unmapped Payroll accounts:
Any unmapped accounts show up in the Unmapped Payroll Account section. All of these accounts are required to be mapped to progress.
Map to Line:
The Map to Line section displays what line an account will be mapped to. Click the Select Line button to select a line to map to. The GL/Payroll Comparison will scroll to that line and expand it so you can see the GL and payroll details for that line.
To map an account:
To map an account, select a line via the Map to Line selection or click the line in the GL/Payroll Comparison and then click the unmapped account. The account is then mapped to the line.
Select Line and Show Line Detail:
Click the line number or line description to select a line to map to. This will also expand the line and display every GL and payroll account booked to that line. Only four lines can be displayed in such a way at a time. Click the line number or description again to collapse the line.
Unmap Payroll Account:
To unmap a payroll account, click the account number, description, or balance for the payroll account you want to unmap. Click the O button to confirm the unmap, or click the X button to cancel it.
To complete the stage:
Once all payroll accounts have been mapped, click the Mark Complete button at the bottom of the page.
Video Tutorial
Please click here to view a video tutorial covering Wage Index and Payroll.