Worksheet C, Part I Overview
Worksheet C, Part I in Absolute utilizes GL Patient Revenues, and Revenue and Usage Report Detail to automate revenue calculations, including any necessary reclasses and adjustments. The methodology to calculating Worksheet C in Absolute involves using the Mapped GL Patient Revenues as a starting point. Then, Revenue Reclasses and Adjustments are processed using either GL or R&U detail as a source, to derive Total Patient Revenues to report on Worksheet C, Part I.
Import R&U
Import Files
R&U files are required to be in csv format.
To import R&U: |
To change R&U: | In order to change the uploaded R&U, a new R&U can be uploaded on top of the current one. This new csv will replace the one that is already in the software. |
Note: Sometimes the R&U will take time to load due to its size. Please do not hit the back or refresh button while the R&U is uploading.
Define R&U Headers
The Define R&U Headers interface allows the defining of the imported R&U headers, specifying which columns will be used and what type of data the column contains.
Each imported header is displayed with a Lookup button which when clicked displays sample data from that column to aid in determining header definitions.
To define a header: |
Select a header type via the Definition select list for the desired header. The available types are: Account, Admit Type, Balance, Insurance Plan, Description, Payor, Procedure Code, Service Type, Revenue Code, and Units. In order to proceed at least one Account, Admit Type, Balance, and Revenue Code must be defined. Upon defining the header, the current Header Name is displayed in the Header Name field. The Header Name defaults to the imported header, but may be edited via the input box, in the "Header Name" column. |
To remove a definition: | Click the remove button adjacent to the header type in the Definition field. |
To save header definitions: |
Click the Save and Proceed to Map Headers button. Note: The save button is only active when at least one Account, Admit Type, Balance, and Revenue Code are defined. |
Extinct headers: | If this report has mappings copied from a prior report, or the R&U has been imported more than once, it is possible to have extinct headers. Extinct headers are headers which were previously defined, but are not present in the currently imported R&U. In this case, a box will appear listing the extinct headers. No action is require. |
Map R&U Headers
The Map R&U Headers interface allows the mapping of the now defined R&U headers to the pre-set headers, so Absolute knows how to treat these headers when used in revenue reclasses. Note this is also where you will need to specify which GL Account corresponds to the Account used on the R&U.
Classify Admit Types
The Classify Admit Type interface allows the defining of the imported R&U admit types, specifying what classification, inpatient or outpatient, the imported data falls under.
To classify an admit type: |
Select a classification (Inpatient, Outpatient, or Ignore) via the Classification select list for the desired admit type. Use the Ignore classification for an admit type that should not be included resulting from a non-applicable row in the data. Upon defining the admit type, the current classification is displayed in the Classification field. |
To save classifications: |
Click the Save and Proceed button. Note: The save button is only active when all admit types have been classified. |
Classify Service Types
The Classify Service Type interface allows the defining of the imported R&U service types, specifying what classification the imported data falls under.
To classify a service type: |
Select a classification (Acute, Psych, Rehab, SNF, NF, Swing-Bed, HHA, Long-Term Care, Ignore) via the Classification select list for the desired service type. Use the Ignore classification for a service type that should not be included resulting from a non-applicable row in the data. Upon defining the service type, the current classification is displayed in the Classification field. |
To save classifications: |
Click the Save and Proceed button. Note: The save button is only active when all service types have been classified. |
Classify Payors
The Classify Payor interface allows the classification of R&U payor rows by payor code to one of eleven types referred to as 'buckets': Medicare Traditional, Medicare Managed Care, Medicaid Traditional, Medicaid Managed Care, County Indigent Traditional, County Indigent Managed Care, Third Party Traditional, Third Party Managed Care, Other Payor, Other Indigent, and Ignore.
The payors panel (top half) displays the distinct payor codes and descriptions which are present in the unclassified rows of the R&U.
To classify a payor: |
In the upper panel select a payor to classify by clicking the checkbox of that payor. In the lower half, select the panel of the type (bucket) the payor should be classified as. In the top half, click Classify Selected in the active panel. The classified payors are removed from the top panel and displayed in the bottom panel. Note: The active bucket may be quickly selected using QWERTY keys (1) through (-). Each number key is mapped to a classification bucket, in sequence. |
To remove classified rows: |
In the lower panel select a row to remove from the active bucket by clicking the checkbox of that row. Click Remove Selected in the active bucket panel. The selected rows are removed from the active bucket. The payors contained within the row are now present again in the upper panel. Note: A range of rows may be selected by shift-clicking the beginning and ending of a range. To cancel a shift-clicked row selection, press the Esc key. |
To complete the stage: | When all payors have been classified, The Complete Classify R&U Payors button is enabled. This button must be clicked to complete the Classify R&U Payors stage. |
Map R&U Accounts
Map R&U Accounts
The Map R&U Accounts page allows you to make sure every R&U account is mapped to a WS A line. You are also able to unmap and remap incorrectly mapped R&U accounts. This page displays GL and R&U revenues and the variance between the two by WS A line.
Note: You must click the Mark Complete button at the bottom of the page to complete the stage and progress.
Unmapped R&U accounts:
Any unmapped accounts show up in the Unmapped R&U Account section. All of these accounts are required to be mapped to progress.
Map to Line:
The Map to Line section displays what line an account will be mapped to. Click the Select Line button to select a line to map to. The GL/R&U Comparison will scroll to that line and expand it so you can see the GL and R&U details for that line.
To map an account:
To map an account, select a line via the Map to Line selection or click the line in the GL/R&U Comparison and then click the unmapped account. The account is then mapped to the line.
To complete the stage:
Once all R&U accounts have been mapped, click the Mark Complete button at the bottom of the page.
GL/R&U Comparison
The GL/R&U Comparison shows all GL and R&U revenues booked to each WS A line, as well as the variance between the two.
Overhead lines are hidden by default. Click the Show Overhead Lines link to show the overhead lines.
Select Line and Show Line Detail:
Click the line number or line description to select a line to map to. This will also expand the line and display every GL and R&U account booked to that line. Only four lines can be displayed in such a way at a time. Click the line number or description again to collapse the line.
Unmap R&U Account:
To unmap an R&U account, click the account number, description, or balance for the R&U account you want to unmap. Click the O button to confirm the unmap, or click the X button to cancel it.
Video Tutorial
Please click here to view a video tutorial on uploading and mapping a Revenue and Usage Report.
Reclass/Adjustment Summary
Revenue Reclasses
The Revenue Reclasses Overview page lists all revenue reclasses ordered by Workpaper.
The preparer status (Open or Closed), last computed timestamp, purpose, and notes also display.
A status icon below the reclass name indicates the data status of the reclass.
Revenue Reclass Status
Due to the size of R&U files and the time involved in processing the data, each revenue reclass has been broken into 3 processes: Apply Filters, Compute Reclass, and Apply Reclass.
If a reclass has not been fully processed, the status of the reclass will display in a red status icon. The process can be completed within the reclass interface.
To add a Reclass:
Click Add Reclass.
To view/edit an existing reclass:
Click the name of the desired reclass to navigate to the Revenue Reclass page for that reclass.
To delete a reclass:
Click Delete for the desired reclass. Confirm the deletion by clicking the O button, or click the X button to cancel.
To mark revenue reclasses as complete:
When all revenue reclasses have been applied, the stage must be marked as complete. Click the Mark Revenue Reclasses Complete button.
The Revenue Reclasses must be marked complete to unlock further tools which are dependent upon the reclassed data.
Note: If any changes are made to a reclass after the stage has been completed, the stage will need to be marked as complete again.
Worksheet C Part I Results
The Worksheet C, Part I Results displays an overview of the final C, Part I patient revenues after revenue reclassifications and/or adjustments for reporting on the 2552-10 Cost Report Forms.
To get to the Worksheet C, Part I Results viewer, click the tab titled “Results.” Then click on Worksheet C, Part I under C, Part I Patient Revenues. This will take you to the C, Part I Results viewer where you will see four tabs that are used to help summarize how much revenue is being reclassed for each line.
C Part I Tab: | Displays the patient revenue after all reclasses have been made. Amounts that are above the WS C, Part I Sub-Total line are what will be seen in HFS after transferring data from Absolute to HFS. |
IP Reclass/Adj Tab: | The IP Reclass/Adj tab shows what the original inpatient revenue amount was prior to reclass and what the adjusted inpatient revenue amount is after reclass. This tab will allow the user to show how much inpatient revenue was reclassed for each line. |
OP Reclass/Adj Tab: | The OP Reclass/Adj tab shows what the original outpatient revenue amount was prior to reclass and what the adjusted outpatient revenue amount is after reclass. This tab will allow the user to see how much outpatient revenue was reclassed for each line. |
Total Reclass/Adj Tab: | The Total Reclass/Adj tab shows the total amount that is being reclassed for each line. Instead of breaking out inpatient or outpatient revenue as in the IP/OP tabs, this tab combines the amount from IP/OP tabs and shows the total change in revenue after reclasses are applied. Same as the previous tabs, this tab will allow the user to see how much total revenue was reclassed for each line. |
Worksheet C Part I Exports
The Worksheet C, Part I Exports gives different options for viewing the C, Part I patient revenues before and after reclassifications and/or adjustments for reporting on the 2552-10 Cost Report Forms.
On the Exports tab you will find the below options for reviewing C, Part I Patient Revenues.
Mapped GL Patient Revenues | Summarizes the trial balance's patient revenue by cost report line. Includes a summary tab to show inpatient and outpatient revenue by line, along with a comparison and variance calculation between current year and prior year. |
C Part I Workpaper | Will be the export that shows the most detail regarding revenue and all reclasses/adjustments. It has an overview tab, a line summary, an account summary tab, and a GL vs R&U tab. It also shows the detail of every reclass/adjustment. |
Mapped R&U (before reclasses) | Exports the uploaded R&U along with the line mappings completed in Absolute without taking into account any reclasses. |
Medicare R&U Crosswalk (before reclasses) | Shows the Medicare payor detail of the R&U along with the line mappings and allocation to each line. |
IP vs OP Charge Grossup | The purpose of this export is to help the revenue and usage report's inpatient and outpatient charge per unit for like procedures. If a charge differential exsists, the outpatient charges can be adjusted to equal the inpatient charge per unit amount. Revenue codes related to medical supplies, drugs and implantable devices should be excluded (revenue codes 250-279, 630-639) as well as any procedures that are weighted more than 80% (based on units) towards inpatient and outpatient. |
Reclassed R&U | Similar to the Mapped R&U (before reclasses) but shows each account's balance after the reclasses. |
Video Tutorial
Please click here to view a video overview of C Part I Revenue Reclasses, results viewers, and exports.