GL Mapping - Upload and Classify a GL


This article will cover the process of uploading and classifying a General Ledger into Absolute. This is the first step to completing the cost report in Absolute, and allows the user to reconcile the GL back to Trial Balance prior to moving forward with reclassifications and adjustments.

Import GL

The Import GL interface allows the user to import a general ledger file in Excel or csv format. Click on theGL_Import_1.JPG button. This will open up the GL Import section. 

If prior year data exists, the mapped headers and sample data from the prior year data displays in the Data Comparison section. 

Looking at these headers and sample data and comparing it to the current year GL prior to importing your file is a good way to see if your current year GL contains the same headers and account structure as the prior year report.

Imported GL

The Imported Section displays the name and time of the imported GL if there is one, or an Import GL link button if a GL has not been imported. To delete the Imported GL, select the delete button on the right side of the file and select the O to confirm.  

To import a GL:

Click on the  GL_Import_2.JPG button.

An uploader window will display allowing you to select a file to import via the Browse button.

After selecting the file, click Upload.

Note: Uploaded files must be .xlsx, .xls, or .csv. Csv files may be delimited by comma, pipe, or tab.

After the file is uploaded, the window will close and a progress bar displays the progress of the data import. You may leave this interface while the file is importing. The progress bar also displays on the dashboard.

When the file has completed importing, the file name and time of import will display in the Import GL section.GL_Import_4.JPG

To delete an uploaded GL:

Click the Delete link button for the file. Then click the O button to confirm or X to cancel.

Note: If you have completed stages beyond importing the GL, you will need to revisit them after importing a different GL.

Data Comparison

The Data Comparison section shows prior year mapped headers and sample data as well as the headers and sample data from the currently imported GL file.

Prior Year Mapped Headers and Sample Data:

If prior year data exists, the Prior Year Mapped Headers and Sample Data section always displays. Looking at the headers and sample data prior to importing your GL file is a good way to prepare your GL file for maximum success. Ensure your source GL file has the exact headers shown and the account structure is the same. GL_Import_3.JPG

Current Year Imported GL Headers and Sample Data:

When a current year GL file has been imported, the Current Year Imported GL Headers and Sample Data section displays below the prior year section. It displays all the imported headers and sample data from the source file. GL_Import_5.JPG

Comparing data:

When both prior year and current year data exist, a message will display at the top of the Data Comparison section indicating whether all prior headers are present in the current year import or whether headers are missing.

Matched headers display in bold green text in both the prior year and current year tables.

Prior year headers which do not exist in the current year data display in red text.

Note: If your headers don't match, you may still proceed, but prior year data matching will be incomplete.

To move onto the Define GL Headers section either click on the Define Headers button at the bottom of the Import GL page or the Define GL Headers button on the Dashboard.  GL_Import_7.JPG

Define GL Headers

The Define Headers interface allows the defining of the imported GL headers, specifying which columns will be used and what type of data the column contains: an account, an account description, or a balance.

Each imported header is displayed with a Lookup button    which when clicked displays sample data from that column to aid in determining header definitions.

To Define a Header: Select a header type (Account, Description, or Balance) via the Definition select list for the desired header. Upon defining the header, the current Header Name is displayed in the Header Name field. The Header Name defaults to the imported header, but may be edited via the input box. GL_Import_9.JPG
To Remove a Definition: Click the dismiss button (x) adjacent to the header type in the Definition field. GL_Import_8.JPG
To Save Header Definitions: Click the Save and Proceed to Map Headers button. Note: the save button is only active when at least two accounts and one balance have been defined. GL_Import_10.JPG
Extinct Headers: If this report has mappings copied from a prior report, or the GL has been imported more than once, it is possible to have extinct headers. Extinct headers are headers which were previously defined, but are not present in the currently imported GL. In this case, a box will appear listing the extinct headers. No action is required.

Map GL Headers

The Map Headers interface allows the mapping of the GL headers defined in the Define GL Headers section. Accounts and descriptions are mapped according to their type into positions or 'slots' 1-8. A single balance is mapped to the balance slot.

Each header is displayed with a Lookup button which when clicked displays sample data from that column to aid in determining header mapping.

To Map a Header: Select an available slot number from the select list in the Map To column for the desired header.

Upon mapping the header, the mapped header name displays in the appropriate cell in the mapped headers table on the right side of the page. The mapped slot number is also displayed in the header's Map To field.

To Remove a Mapping: Click the Remove button adjacent to the mapped slot number in the header's Map To field. GL_Import_12.JPG
To Save Header Mappings: Click the Save and Proceed to Classify GL buttons. GL_Import_13.JPG

Note: The save button is only active when at least two accounts and one balance have been mapped. Additionally, accounts must be mapped beginning in slot one with no gaps between mapped accounts. A mapped description must have a corresponding mapped account for the slot number it is mapped to.

Auto mapped balance: In the case that a single balance has been defined, that balance will map to the Balance slot automatically.

Classify GL

To classify the GL

The headers that were defined in a prior section will present at the top of the screen. The user will have the option to choose which field to use for classifying the GL, which is usually at the account level to tie to the Income Statement.


Below the accounts the user will see the available buckets for classifications. GL_Import_15.JPG

In the upper panel select an account to classify by clicking the checkbox of that account. In the lower half, select the panel of the type (bucket) the account should be classified as. In the top half, click Classify Selected in the active panel. GL_Import_16.JPG

Classifying by an account will classify all currently unclassified rows of the GL containing that account as the type of the currently active classification bucket. The classified accounts are removed from the top panel and displayed in the bottom panel as individual rows from the GL.

A maximum of 500 accounts will load at a time in a bucket. For buckets which contain more than 500 accounts, click the Load Next and Load Previous link buttons to move through all accounts.

Note: The active bucket may be quickly selected using QWERTY numbers 1-7. Each number key is mapped to a classification bucket, in sequence.

To import account classifications

Account classifications may be imported in Excel or csv format. The imported data must conform to the following criteria:

  • The first column needs to contain the entire account. The account pieces must be separated by a period (ex. 100.6010.62000). The account structure must also match the account structure in the GL.
  • The second column is the full name of the classification as displayed on the tabs, or the two letter acronym in parentheses.
  • The first row is assumed to contain headers and will be ignored.

Click GL_Import_17.JPG to launch the file uploader. Navigate to the desired file and click Upload. Once the import is complete, the page will refresh showing all account classifications in the bottom half, and any unassigned accounts in the top half.

Note: Existing classifications will be overwritten during import.

To remove classified rows

In the lower panel select a row to remove from the active bucket by clicking the checkbox of that row. Click Remove Selected in the active bucket panel.


The selected rows are removed from the active bucket. The accounts contained within the row are now present again in the respective upper panels.

Note: A range of rows may be selected by shift-clicking the beginning and ending of a range. To cancel a shift-clicked row selection, press the Esc key.


Classified subtotals

To view subtotals of the classified accounts, click GL_Import_19.JPG in the bottom right corner of the page. The subtotals refresh each time accounts are classified or de-classified. This window is draggable and may be positioned where most convenient.


To hide the Classified Subtotals click on the GL_Import_21.JPG button to minimize the Classified Subtotals window. 

To complete the stage

When all accounts have been classified, The Proceed to Assign Lines button is enabled. This button must be clicked to complete the Classify GL stage. GL_Import_22.JPG

TB Control

General Purpose

The TB Control interface allows for a reconciliation of the financial statement net income against the imported and classified general ledger net income (i.e. Cost Report net income).

To access the TB Control section, click on GL_Import_23.JPG from the Dashboard in Absolute. 

Entering financial statement values

There are five classifications, Patient Revenue, Deductions, Other Operating, Operating Expenses, and Non-Operating, whose value from the financial statement will be compared to the mapped general ledger totals. 


Enter a value in the financial statement input for a classification. The variance between the financial statement value and general ledger is calculated as you type. Subtotals calculate also.

The financial statement inputs accept plain numbers or money formatted values.

If a classification has a variance, a comment is required before you will be able to save.


Click the button to save the data entered for the classification or X to cancel.

Net income comment

If there is an overall net income variance, enter a comment in the text input and click the button to save the comment or X to cancel.

Editing existing values

To edit a financial statement value or comment, click the Edit button for that row.


After making your changes, click O to save or X to cancel.

Source Documents

A Source Document can be uploaded as support for the entered Trial Balance amounts, such as an Income Statement. To upload a source document, click on the Upload Source Document link, which will open a upload window for the user to select a document. 


To complete TB Control

Each classification requires a financial statement value before the TB Control stage can be completed. Additionally, all classifications and net income with a variance require a comment.

When these conditions have been met, the Complete TB Control button will display as active.

Click the GL_Import_27.JPG button to complete the stage.

Note: The complete button only displays when the stage has not been marked complete.

For more information on the next steps, see GL Mappings article. 

Video Tutorial

Please click here to view a video tutorial on Uploading and Classifying a GL. 

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