Since Absolute is a web based program, a preparer may have Absolute open in multiple browser tabs. To quickly open another tab of Absolute, when logged into Absolute, simply right click on your browser tab and select "Duplicate Tab."
This will open Absolute in a separate browser tab, without having to re-log into the system. When might this be helpful?
- Preparer can open up the prior year cost report in the 2nd browser tab, for quick Current Year versus Prior Year on-screen comparisons. It also helps to move the 2nd browser tab to a different monitor.
- Preparer can navigate to a different hospital cost report for review, without leaving the page of the current cost report.
- Preparer can quickly find Worksheet A department mappings in the 2nd browser tab, by clicking on the Results tab, and selecting Mapped GL Operating Expenses. Tip: Ctrl+F and search for any department or account preparer is looking for, and the browser will find that account and highlight. This is helpful when looking at A-8 Other Operating Offsets, for new account treatment.
- Preparer can quickly find R&U or PS&R crosswalk information in the 2nd browser tab, by clicking on the Results tab, and selecting Mapped R&U - Pre or Post Reclass. This is helpful when assigning PS&R revenue codes utilizing a Direct Assignment Methodology.
- Preparer can navigate to the Exports tab, to quickly export any workpaper or csv analysis file that may help with work on the Dashboard, without navigating away from the Dashboard.
Contact Absolute Support for more tips and tricks as you go through your cost report preparation!