Absolute Analytics

Absolute Analytics Interactive Analysis Tool

As part of Toyon Associates Absolute® 2552-10 CR web-application suite, Absolute Analytics is our web-based business intelligence platform for delivering immediate interactive analysis and identification of any data abnormalities, across all providers over multiple fiscal years, for all our service deliverables.

For the Medicare cost reports, detailed analysis is available for all key data sources including but not limited to: general ledger downloads with income and balance sheet account level details; revenue and usage reports patient charge detailed at the procedure, UB revenue code, volume, and insurance plan level; detailed payroll reports at the department, job description, and earning code level; Medicare and Medi-Cal program interim payment data and paid charges at the UB revenue code level with associated quantities.

Absolute Analytics can be accessed directly from the Absolute Homepage, by clicking on the Absolute Analytics Application button. Each health system will have a unique login (note that this login is different than the Absolute 2552-10 log in). 


Within Absolute Analytics, you will find multiple dashboards with analysis related to various Medicare Cost Report data. Users can also track the status of report completion at the system level, and perform system level review of cost report data, such as mappings and expense/revenue analysis. See below for a few examples of the different types of analysis within Absolute Analytics. 

Health System Report Completion Progress:

Report progress.PNG

Worksheet A Department Analysis:

WSA Dept analysis.PNG

Worksheet A Department Analysis - New Mappings:

WS A New Mappings.PNG

Payroll - Pay Type Analysis:

Pay Type Analysis.PNG

Worksheet A-8-1 Analysis:


Analytical dashboards and tools are continually being improved upon and released. Please reach out to Absolute Support for a live overview of the Absolute Analytics tool, to see all of the beneficial features and tools for analysis that are built in!






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