The MCRX Comparison tool allows users to analyze trending and variances between three mcrx files. It generates and exports a CSV file.
- MCRX files are the only allowed files to upload.
- You must upload three files for the comparison script to work correctly. However, you can upload the same file twice if you only have two files to compare.
Generating the CSV
From the Absolute Dashboard, navigate to the Checklist & Utilities tab, and click on MCRX Comparison.
Next, you will see an option to upload 3 MCRX files for the Current Year, Prior Year, and Penultimate Year. Click on Upload MCRX, and browse to the location of the MCRX file saved on your machine.
After uploading three MCRX files successfully, an Export Comparison button will appear.
Clicking the Export Comparison button will start the export process. During the process, a blank window will appear. This blank window must remain open while the CSV generates, but you may navigate to a different tool in your main browser window during this time. It may take several minutes for the export to complete.
A prompt to open or save the file will appear after the CSV finishes processing. The CSV data can then be copied/pasted into the MCRX Comparison Template.
The MCRX Comparison Template can be downloaded here. This is an excel workbook updated every six months that works with the MCRX Comparison CSV export.