Creating a New Report

To create a new report

The first step to beginning a new cost report in Absolute is to create the current year report template. This article will provide an overview of how to create a new report, how to incorporate the template from a prior year, and how to review the history for each hospital in Absolute.

To create a new report

      1. To access the Create Report section in Absolute, select the 2552-10 Hospital Cost Report button after logging in to Absolute. New_1.JPG
      2. This will open the Open Report page in Absolute, which will give the user access to either Load a Report or Create a Report. New_2.JPG
      3. Under Create Report, select a provider from the Provider dropdown list.
      4. Select a history from the History select list. This will correspond to the Fiscal Year End of the new cost report. 
      5. Enter a Report Name for the new report.
      6. The Date Range of the report is set to the date range of the selected history by default, which will be a full calendar year. The Date Range values may be modified either by using the calendar which is activated by clicking on the respective input box, or by typing the date directly in the input box. If the provider is creating a short period cost report or an interim cost report, these dates can be modified to the users discretion. New_3.JPG
      7. Review the Apply Rules and Mappings section below for how to use a prior year's template to create the new report. 
      8. Click the New_4.JPGbutton to create the new report.

Note: Provider and History selections may be copied from the Load Report section to the Provider and History select lists in the Create Report section by clicking Copy From Above.

To apply rules and mappings from a prior report

  1. Select a report in the Load Report section by selecting its radio button. This is the same button used when selecting a report to open. The History drop down will provide the available cost reporting years for that facility. When selecting a prior year history, it will present the available reports for the hospitals prior year that have been created.  New_5.JPG
  2. Check the checkbox next to the Report selected for prior year analysis and mappings in the Create Report section. The rules and mappings from the report selected in the Load Report section will be applied to the new report. New_6.JPG

If a prior report does not exist, user may opt to create a template using the prior year mcrx file. 

  1. Click the circular blue upload button to the left of New_7.JPG This will open a file browser window.
  2. Select the prior year mcrx file and click upload. A notification will indicate whether or not the file was uploaded properly. After uploading the mcrx file, click create report. A report template will be created, and the Worksheet A subscripted lines, Worksheet A-6 reclass structure and Worksheet A-8 lines will be populated. 

Video Tutorial

Please click here to view a video tutorial on Creating a New Report. 

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