How do I utilize the B-1 External Value Statistic Upload template?


The External Value Statistic Upload template allows users to quickly upload data into Absolute for any B-1 statistics that are calculated using information that wasn't previously uploaded into the software. The function also allows for automated Worksheet A Line Mapping for B-1 Statistic Data. Some examples of External Value B-1 Statistics are Square Feet, Pounds of Laundry and Assigned Time (data that is not based on General Ledger or Payroll detail). 


Adding an External Value B-1 Statistic

From the Dashboard, click into the B Series Cost Allocation Stats section, and select B-1 and B Part II Stats. This will open up the interface for adding new B-1 data. 

At the bottom of the Stats section, select +Add Stat. Select "External" in Select stat type to add


Next, select "Download Import Template." An Excel file will download. Open this Excel File.


The Excel file will have a few columns as follows:

  • Column A - Worksheet A Line: For a compiled list of statistics by Worksheet A Line (for example, Laundry Pounds by Line), preparer may populate the desired Worksheet A Line in this column for each associated statistic. This column is optional if Column B is populated. 
  • Column B - Account Key: For a compiled list of statistics by department (for example, square feet by department, cost center or accounting unit), preparer may populate the associated department in this column, for the stat value entered in Column C. This column is optional if Column A is populated. Note that if Column A is NOT populated, Absolute will automatically look up the Worksheet A Line to assign to each statistic by department, based on Worksheet A: Assign Lines. 
  • Column C - Stat Value: Enter the statistic associated with the value in either Column A or Column B. This column is required. 
  • Columns D-F - Description 1, 2 and 3: These columns are completely optional and preparer may choose to populate additional information related to each statistic in these columns (for example, square feet on that row are associated with "Building 1," or "Floor 3"). 


Preparer may choose to include supporting documentation on subsequent tabs of the B-1 External Value Statistic Upload Template, as long as the tab "B-1 Ext Stat Upload Template" is the first tab of the uploaded file. This is helpful if the preparer chooses the option to save the upload file as a Source Document (see below). Saving as a source document is optional, and will upload the file into the Source Document Pool at the top of the B-1 Statistics section. 


Next, name the Statistic in the "Stat Name," name the Source Document (if applicable), and then browse to the file location where the template is saved to upload into Absolute. The statistic is now uploaded into Absolute, and you can assign this to a Cost Center below. 

Note: If your External Value Statistic is showing up in Bold and Red font, this may indicate errors in your uploaded data. See this article for more information: Why can't I mark Worksheet B-1 Complete?





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