Absolute does not utilize any Worksheet A-8 salary adjustments in calculating the hours for Wage Index. The reasoning behind this is that there is no salary identifier for the adjustment on Worksheet A-8, similar to Worksheet A-6.
Absolute will calculate the hours based on salary reclassifications completed on Worksheet A-6, however if there are any adjustments that need to be included from Worksheet A-8 to the hours on Wage Index, these will need to be manually adjusted. This can be done by exporting the Wage Index workpaper from Absolute, manually making the adjustments, and manually entering the adjustments to the hours into HFS.
As an alternative, if you have a large number of hours that you are adjusting, you can append this information to the payroll data prior to upload into Absolute. Absolute will then add or remove those hours from wage index. Please contact Absolute Support for specific questions on how to do this.
See related Wage Index Hours article for further information on how the hours in Absolute are calculated.