Groups Overview
In Absolute, users can set up groups as a way to limit user access to certain reports or to limit user capabilities. This function is available to superusers only. For example, the Groups Management Tool can be used to set up groups by region, by manager or by preparer, and only assigned cost reports will be visible to the users in that group. Users must be assigned to a group in order to have access to reports in Absolute.
The Groups Management Tool is accessed via the Absolute Home Page Menu->User Management->Groups Overview. In the Group Management Tool, the user has the option to create a new group or modify an existing group.
Creating a New Group
From the Groups Overview Page, select Create New Group in upper right hand corner. Absolute will open up the Group Management page for that new group. In Group Name, type in the desired group name. In the Application, select the 2552-10 Hospital Cost Report Application and then select Create. Group Name may be edited at any time in this section as well.
Next, Assign Roles to the users in the group. To select a role to add to a group, click on the desired role. Shift+Click may be used to select multiple roles. Next, click on Add Selected to add those roles to the group. Existing roles may also be removed from a group in this section, by selecting "Remove" next to the role.
Next, Assign Provider Histories to that group. Under Add Provider Histories, choose the hospital that you would like to add to the group from the drop down, then select the history/FYE to include with the group. Shift+Click may be used to select multiple histories. Click "Add Selected" to add these report histories to the group access. Existing group histories may also be removed in this section, by selecting "Remove" next to the history.
Last, Assign Users to the group. From the drop down in this section, select the user you wish to add to the group. Multiple users may be selected at once by holding down the Control or Shift keys. Once all users have been selected, click Add Selected. Existing users may also be removed from the group in this section by selecting "Remove" next to that group user.
Modifying an Existing Group
From the Groups Overview page, Superusers may manage existing groups. In Groups Overview, groups can be marked as Active or Inactive or groups may be deleted entirely. Note that this will not delete reports or users in Absolute - this will only delete the specific group access that was set up.
Users may also Manage an Existing Group. Clicking on Manage next to a group will take you into that specific group details, where user will be able to edit the group name, add or remove roles, add or remove hospitals and histories to group access and add or remove users to that group access.