Hospice O-Series Overview:
The O-Series Module in Absolute automates the population of the Hospice subcomponent Worksheets in the Medicare Cost Report, for those hospitals that have a Hospice Subunit. When a Hospice provider number is entered into the Report Settings tab for a hospital report in Absolute, the software is prompted to open up the O-Series on the Preparation tab of the Dashboard.
Hospice Expenses: Assign Worksheet O Lines:
For the Worksheet O Line Assignments, Absolute will display General Ledger values for the Hospice subunit, considering any reclasses or adjustments that affect the Hospice lines. Therefore, the Worksheet A-6 and Worksheet A-8 Sections in Absolute need to be marked complete in order to open the O-Series Assign Worksheet O Lines section for preparation work.
In the Assign Worksheet O Lines section, a list of unassigned accounts will populate in the Accounts to Assign Section. Absolute will display the account level General Ledger detail, for all accounts assigned to Line 116 of Worksheet A, including any A-6/A-8 detail, for proper assignment to Worksheet O Lines.
Note: Absolute will carry forward Worksheet O Line Assignments for accounts that were present in the prior year. Only new accounts will need to be mapped to a Worksheet O Line.
If all accounts are unassigned, the preparer can select an account roll-up option, to display accounts at a specific GL account component. The preparer can also choose to display accounts at multiple GL component levels, i.e. at the account and subaccount level, if that detail is necessary for proper line assignment.
To assign accounts to a Worksheet O Line, check the box to the left of the account, highlight the desired line assignment by clicking on the Worksheet O Line below, then click “Assign Selected.” Absolute will assign all selected accounts to the highlighted line.
Accounts can also be assigned to Worksheet O Lines based on an Allocation Percentage, where accounts aren’t broken out into detail for that line type. For example, if all Hospice benefits are recorded in a particular account and not broken out by salary type (A&G, RN, etc), an Allocation can be used to spread these accounts to multiple lines with Salary expense. Accounts that are assigned to an Allocation line will be spread based on the statistics entered. A new allocation can be added by selecting the Add Allocation option at the bottom of this section.
To remove an account from an assigned line, or to move an account to a different line, click on the current Worksheet O line assignment to show all accounts assigned to that line. Next, click on the "x" to the right of the account description. This will move that account back up to the Accounts to Assign section. You can then move this account to a different line if desired.
When all accounts are assigned, this section can be marked complete in the lower left-hand corner.
Hospice Expenses – Assign Worksheet O Sub Worksheets:
The Assign Worksheet O Sub Worksheets section further breaks down the Hospice expense assignment detail by type of care or discipline, to Worksheet O-1 (Continuous Home Care), O-2 (Routine Home Care), O-3 (Inpatient Respite Care), and O-4 (General Inpatient Care). Accounts will be assigned to Lines using a method similar to the Assign Worksheet O Lines section. If account level detail is not available by type of care, an allocation can be set up to allocate the expenses based on a percent to total to each sub worksheet. See below for an example where expenses are assigned based on the number of visits.
When all accounts are assigned, this section can be marked complete in the lower left-hand corner.
Hospice External Values:
Worksheet S-9 Part III Days reported in Lines 10-13 for Title XIX and Total Days are entered as external values.
Worksheet S-9 Part IV Statistical Data reported on Lines 15 and 16 for Title XIX and Total are entered as external values.
Worksheet O-6 Part II Statistics, where applicable, are entered as external values.
Worksheet O-7 Ancillary Service Cost Centers Charges for Lines 1-9, Columns 2-5 are entered as external values.
Hospice PS&R Values:
Hospice PS&R detail is uploaded into Absolute in the D&E Series Title XVIII Settlement->Import PS&R Summaries Section. Absolute will automatically assign all Medicare PS&R values for Hospice to the appropriate Worksheet. Values will be summarized in the Hospice Workpaper Export, which can be exported out of Absolute via the Exports tab on the Dashboard.